The most Natural Lenses on Sale for $12.90

Sweety Crystal I grey are your best bet if you have been looking for the most natural looking grey lenses. These translucent grey lenses blend flawlessly & remain seamless against light colored eyes. The pattern consists of minor details. Even the limbal ring is too thin to be noticed. They are only 14.5mm hence the… Continue reading The most Natural Lenses on Sale for $12.90

Accentuate your Grey Eyes with Sweety Crystal I Grey Lenses

Not all contact lenses are created equal. Some are designed to enlarge your eyes and some help you creating an illusion of soft natural looking eyes that allure by their unique fusion of colors. Sweety Crystal I grey lenses just add a bit more of depth to your peepers without altering the color of your… Continue reading Accentuate your Grey Eyes with Sweety Crystal I Grey Lenses