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How to Wash Cosplay Costumes without Destroying Them?


Washing cosplay costumes may be tricky depending upon the fabric used. Embellishments on your cosplay costumes push you to be even considerate about which method of washing should be implemented. It is crucial to wash your cosplay costumes right away after returning from the convention to prevent any stubborn stains from lasting long. Uniform cloth cosplay costumes are easiest to wash and maintain whereas others may require you to be a bit careful during handling process.

Washing Uniform Cloth Cosplay Costumes


Cosplay costumes made from uniform cloth can be safely machine washed. However be mindful of the following aspects:

  • Did you pre-wash the fabric before sewing it?
  • Does your costume have different light & dark colored fabrics sewn together?
  • Does your costume have pinned/ glued/ hand painted or hand sewn details?

Ready to Wear Costumes:

Ready to wear cosplay costumes purchased from cosplay stores are already prewashed. Therefore, they will not bleed most probably. Moreover, uniform cloth is usually color fastened.

If on the other hand you constructed your costume from scratch on your own; it is advised to pre-soak the fabric before stitching it. Please keep in mind that not always seemingly innocent fabric is safe to throw in a machine cycle. Some dyes bleed more than the others and may stain other embellishments of the costume.

When Washing Light & Dark Fabrics Together

It is advised to wash your cosplay costume in sections if you fear about any of the costumeโ€™s detail fading its color. If it is unavoidable to wash different colored details separately then add a mixture of vinegar in a gentle hand wash detergent prepared in cold water. This reduces the risk of staining.

Hand Painted Details

Cosplay costumes that carry hand painted details should be sealed before washing. When getting your cosplay costume from a supplier; be mindful of sealing the paint using an iron before wearing it. Other fragile hand sewn or pinned embellishments should be removed prior to washing.

All White Cosplay Costumes

White cosplay costumes especially those made from natural fibers should be starched at each washing cycle to keep them look new & fresh.

Washing Leather, Faux Leather Cosplay Costumes

Cosplay costumes carrying details of leather or faux leather can be cleaned using a damp fabric. These fabrics are usually dry-cleaned only but it is better to avoid dry-cleaning. Cosplay costumes does not necessarily come with washing instructions or label; so the staff at dry-cleaners is clueless about handling it.

Drying Cosplay Costumes

When drying cosplay costumes, turn them inside out. Cosplay costumes can be air dried if has no intricate details and or tight seams. In case your cosplay costumes has tight clotheslines that can be seen usually around pinned embellishments; hang it on a flat surface or on a hanger to air dry.

Washing, handling, drying & storing cosplay costumes mindfully keep them in proper shape until you take them out again for a convention.

costume“Get the best variety of the Cosplay Costumes manufactured using Uniform Cloth- easy to wash, easy to wear & easy to maintain”ย