Gorgeous Natural Blue Contact Lenses for Brown Eyes

Almost 92% of world’s population has brown eyes! Wow, isnt is huge chunk of population sharing the same eye color? There felt a greater need of having opaque contacts that could actually give some bright color to dark eyes by concealing the original color. Unfortunately most of the opaque contact lenses are either too cartoon-ish… Continue reading Gorgeous Natural Blue Contact Lenses for Brown Eyes

Everyday Blue Contacts for Brown Eyes: Sweety Sensation Shining Blue

This pair is perfect for everyday in my opinion, the color is a vibrant and gorgeous shade of blue, the design is really simple and it gives a really good coverage to my natural brown eyes, it looks like my real color especially in real life! If you don’t need a big enlargmenet effect you… Continue reading Everyday Blue Contacts for Brown Eyes: Sweety Sensation Shining Blue

Try Opalescent Effect with Sweety Colorful Rio Blue Contact

If you are fascinated by precious stones opalescent effect you will not regret buying Sweety Colorful Rio blue contacts. The lenses display multiple tones of blue that look magnificent when flaunted. The lenses are super comfortable, breathable & hydrating. With a subtle enlargement effect, Sweety Colorful Rio blue are vivid enough to show on dark… Continue reading Try Opalescent Effect with Sweety Colorful Rio Blue Contact

Natural but Vibrant Blue Contacts for Brown Eyes

People with brown eyes are found most desperate to change their eye color but it could be a very daunting change. Colored contacts do not appear the same on everyone since your own eye color plays a deciding role in settling the tone of colored lenses. EOS Natural blue are surprisingly vivid. Although they are… Continue reading Natural but Vibrant Blue Contacts for Brown Eyes

Sweety Ocean Blue Contacts against Dark Eyes

You will be surprised to see how vibrant these lenses in personal are. Sweety Ocean blue lenses boast a subtle greenish-blue tint with a pattern featuring black dots. The lenses are designed to help your eyes look their best without ending up looking fake. Though they may appear translucent at first, they actually boast opaque… Continue reading Sweety Ocean Blue Contacts against Dark Eyes