Why is my Skin both Oily & Dry?

Does it sound familiar to have oily skin yet dry at the same time? Unfortunately, it is a more common occurrence than you think. Skin producing too much of oil is characterized as โ€œoily skinโ€. Yet it could feel dry if it is dehydrated. At this point, it is important to understand the difference between… Continue reading Why is my Skin both Oily & Dry?

Korean Skincare: Dry vs Dehydrated Skin

Although dry and dehydrated skin both are characterized by almost similar symptoms, it is necessary to learn the difference between both. The former is a skin type whereas later is a skin condition. Any skin can become dehydrated and not just dry. Dry & dehydrated skin jot down a series of uncomfortable skin problems from… Continue reading Korean Skincare: Dry vs Dehydrated Skin