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4 Best Natural Looking Contact Lenses that will Stun You

Western Eyes Nada Peace grey

Doll contact lenses

Buying contact lenses online always run several risks, from being fake to looking over-dramatic. Since contact lenses follow the same science your ordinary lipstick does; they may end up looking way too different against your eyes than your friendโ€™s. The criminal source that brews the color differences is none but your โ€œundertonesโ€. People who resist buying contact lenses online due to the fears involved, have been actually resisting a fad that is worth a try. To help the newbies, we are here with 4 best natural looking contact lenses that are too natural to be detected.

1.Sweety Spatax Grey Contact Lenses

Sweety Spatax grey

Sweety is the best hot-selling brand famous for its ethereal colors & realistic designs. The brand follows a cutting edge technology that help the entire series blend seamlessly against every eye color they are worn. Sweety Sapatax grey lenses bear a minimal design with almost zero details. The absence of limbal ring further help you create very soft & illusionary natural looks. Despite being translucent in nature, they are enough pigmented to make a lasting impression. Sweety Spatax grey with 38% water content, stay moist & comfortable. Wear these grey contact lenses every day or at parties; you will never get tiered of receiving compliments that how natural yet attractive your eyes look!

2.Sweety Hydrocor Grey

Sweety Hydrocore grey

As pale as possible, these circle contacts may first appear as enhancement tint contacts. Sweety Hydrocor grey go unnoticed until & unless you make an announcement. These contacts carry no design which enable them to look realistic. Despite being transparent, Sweety Hydrocor grey stun everyone by their strong pigmentation.

3.Western Eyes Nada Peace Blue

Western Eyes Nada peace blue closeup

Blue contact lenses have always enjoyed the majestic position among all other colors. Blue eyes are considered heavenly & intellectual embodied by peace & tranquility. Choosing the right blue contacts requires experience, patience & complete understanding of how your own eye tones interact with colored contact lenses. These no risk Nada Peace blue by Western Eyes look truly divine. They become the true color of your eyes & no matter how darker or lighter they are, these contacts will bind to them naturally.

4.Western Eyes Nada Peace Grey

Western Eyes Nada Peace grey

Last but not the least, these natural looking grey contacts are the real hot-selling cupcakes. Virtually natural, Nada Peace grey contacts should be in every oneโ€™s vault. Slip these on, and go rocking your way. Trust us, if you are in a dilemma of what to buy, buy these!

For over a decade contact lenses have been helping women & men to accentuate their eye color. Keep in mind not all colored contacts are created equal. Some intend to alter your eye color besides keeping your natural looks intact whereas others will add a huge drama. With right choice of colored lenses you can achieve the look of your dreams. The only thing you need to be clear at mind is how realistic or dramatic appearance you want to create!