Colored Contacts for Astigmatism – Facts You’d Want to Know

Facts you'd want to know

Astigmatism takes place when the cornea or the lens within the eye has an irregular shape. This common condition causes blurry vision, regardless from a near or far distance. Now, if you have astigmatism and have an interest in trying color contact lenses, it is no surprise that you may have these questions in mind.… Continue reading Colored Contacts for Astigmatism – Facts You’d Want to Know

What Is Astigmatism & Everything You Need to Know

Astigmatism is a rather common and generally treatable eye condition. It usually occurs when either the front surface of the eye, also known as the cornea or the lens inside the eye has mismatched curves. This will then cause a blurry vision, be it from a near or far distance. However, it is different from… Continue reading What Is Astigmatism & Everything You Need to Know