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3 Frequently Asked Questions about Halloween Contact Lenses

Sweety Anime orange

Sweety Anime orange

It is that time of the year again when the air that surrounds us become spooky with ghosts that randomly pass by. Occasional sights of vampires become frequent occurrences as we grow closer to the long awaited Halloween season. Halloween is however incomplete without costumes, novelty contacts and cosplay accessories that add to the holiday season. Unfortunately, a huge population is under a cloud of misconceptions believing that Halloween contact lenses are injurious to eyes which cuts the fun to less than half. Although, the prevailing opinion about Halloween contact lenses could be slightly true, it does not mean you keep yourself from attaining all the applause you could receive by complimenting your Halloween outfit with Halloween colored contacts. Below we are sharing frequently asked questions about Halloween contact lenses so that you know what you have been missing all your life!

Can Wearing Halloween Contact Lenses Damage my Eyes?

Today, Halloween contact lenses are widely popular. The designs are usually wicked that reflect about one’s inhuman and wild nature. Halloween contact lenses are made using opaque tints that cover your eye color no matter how strong it is. They help you transform yourself into unworldly creatures that send shivers down the spine. Although there is a mushroom growth of online sellers supplying Halloween contact lenses which may lead to serious injuries and infections, with little research you can grab high quality KFDA approved Halloween contact lenses. If you are suspicious about the safe production, get in touch with the retailer and inquire how safe is their product. You can also buy Halloween contact lenses from a licensed practitioner.

Do Halloween Contact Lenses Obstruct Vision?

Not all Halloween contact lenses impede vision. Yet there are some designs that restrict vision or cause tunnel vision due to smaller hole of pupil. Halloween contact lenses meant for rave parties or extreme SFX may even block your entire field of vision leading to requiring mobility assistance. Such designs are usually preferred by professionals or cosplayers who are keen enough to observe even minor discomfort. If you are not a dare-devil, we recommend you stick to regular crazy lenses that will still grab you the same amount of recognition as a werewolf or a mummy etc!

Can I wear Halloween Contact Lenses over Prescription Lenses?

Since novelty contacts are rarely available in prescription, you might have thought about wearing Halloween contacts over standard prescription contacts at least once in life. Contact lenses no matter what is the type are not meant for piggy back. If you need vision correction you can either wear glasses over your Halloween contact lenses or purchase them from suppliers like lensupermart that deals in custom prescription contacts. They take orders and manufacture Halloween contacts in higher prescription and for astigmatism.