It is a no-brainier that contact lenses are prosthetic medical devices that need utmost care and diligent handling. Contact lenses along with their cases harbor bacteria if are left carelessly. Though contact lens related infection are rare; one must remember that careless attitude towards contact lenses may leave you visually impaired. The damage caused may be irrevocable making you lose your vision permanently. It is imperative to understand that cleaning contact lenses & other accessories meticulously is a responsibility that only the wearers bear alone.

More than 30 million people in the US alone wear contact lenses and 70% of the population claim to keep their contact lenses clean. It was horrible to find out that not even the 2% of the population was cleaning their contact lenses the right way. More than half of them admitted being involved in nasty practices that included washing/storing their contacts with water & topping off the solution.
It is frightening that people are vague at the concept of “cleaning contact lenses”. Storing your contacts in a disinfectant for a night does not necessarily clean your circle contacts. It is crucial to rub the surface of your lenses for at least 15 seconds every once in a while. Leaving your contacts in the disinfecting solution won’t help ridding off the grime & oily deposits. Similarly, washing your contact lens cases is important to safeguard your eyes and prevent them from infections. Don’t wash your contact lens cases with soap and water. Instead, wash them using the same multi-purpose solution that you use to soak, rinse and disinfect your lenses.
Almost 90% of us are too careless to drain the remaining solution in the case’s chambers. Press the consumers for more information and you will be digging into alarming facts that prove nothing but careless attitude towards circle contacts. Do not freshen up the solution because once you leave the cap opened the preservative evaporates thus topping solution off affects the efficacy of the disinfectant.
If you use a contact lens kit, be wary. You need to pay equal attention to your kits since germs sticking to them may transfer to the cases and then to your most loved circle lenses. Squirt a little of the disinfectant, rub it, rub it thoroughly using fingers from even the narrow corners and wash it with water. Tissue wipe afterwards followed by leaving it to air dry.
This is how the complete cycle of cleaning your contact lenses diligently takes an off. Have you been this careful to your peepers and lenses all these years?