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Halloween Accessories that can Harm you

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Undoubtedly Halloween is the most anticipated festival of the year. Both adults and children love to disguise as horrific characters. Some teens would not even resist to spend a fortune preparing their Halloween costume & freaky accessories. Say, fortunately Halloween lasts only a day or it would not only bankrupt you but also cause fatal damages. Halloween accessories bought from novelty shops and stores can actually harm you or cost you an eye. Be wary of Halloween dangers and act wisely when planning your activities for Halloween.

Metal Jewelry and Accessories

Tiaras, belts, fangs, wand, swords and other such accessories made from metal contain nickel in heavy quantity. Nickel is infamous to trigger skin infections that leads to many uncomfortable nights. Would you still prefer cheap weapons over your health for an eve only? If so, make sure there is a layer of fabric between nickel Halloween accessories and your skin.

Floor-Length Costumes

While it is fun to walk along the path ways swishing your robe; you would not want to face unexpected falloffs. With drag clothes you carry the risks of injuries by either being stepped on or by getting trapped into your own gown. Floor length fabrics can catch icky material off the ground such as rotten leaves, spilled beer etc. They are also prone to catch fire from jack-o-lanterns.

Vintage Clothes & Outfits

We understand you want to make a statement among your fellow Halloween monsters. Wearing ghoulish costumes is too mainstream so you pick a vintage, old school outfit in an effort to make a rocking appearance. Unfortunately vintage authentic outfits bought from second hand stores contain germs & dust mites that could trigger a severe allergic response. Pay a little more but take no risks on your health. Buy Halloween costumes only fresh and new and that too from promising stores. Alternatively, you can look for Halloween costumes online as they are comparatively cheaper yet come with impressive quality.

Halloween Masks

There is a fine line between spooky and scary. While terrifying others, you would not even in your worst dreams imagine to be a terror subject yourself. Therefore, resist wearing Halloween masks that obstruct your vision or are uncomfortable by any means. A mask that is too tight or too loose will leave your skin rash-y & inflamed. Oh, and expect acne infection.

Fake Crazy Halloween Contacts

Halloween contacts are now considered an essential accessory. However, what we forget about them is that they cannot be purchased without a legit prescription. Halloween contacts whether with prescription or SFX are medical devices that must meet FDA guidelines. If you end up buying fake Halloween contacts; don’t complain later about losing your eyes permanently. Being warned is being armed. Think twice & buy your Halloween contacts only from authentic stores.

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Every year Halloween leaves us flesh-mongering stories of people meeting with accidents & little children losing their lives to notorious Halloween accessories. Your great costume selfies are not worth suffering from a rash & injuries. Act wisely! Make sure you are grabbing all new Halloween accessories & costumes from reputable sources only.