Why do Prescription Colored Contacts make my Eyes Watery?

You are less likely to have watery eyes with prescription colored contacts unless you suffer from allergies. If your contact lenses are intolerable leading to dryness, burning sensation or watery eyes; there could be several factors involved. Switching between the brands/ lens material usually help but if nothing makes the difference, talk to your eye… Continue reading Why do Prescription Colored Contacts make my Eyes Watery?

Why Obtaining Prescription is Necessary before Obtaining Contact Lenses?

As per American food & drug authority “contact lenses” are medical devices that should not be sold without a prescription. This is to create awareness among consumers that contact lenses are not a child’s play hence should only be resorted to, after achieving a prescription by an authorized eye care professional. Though contact lenses seem… Continue reading Why Obtaining Prescription is Necessary before Obtaining Contact Lenses?

Contracting Infections Frequently with Prescription Colored Contacts? This is what you need to Check

Prescription colored contacts are considered the handiest mode of vision correction. They don’t only fix the refractive index error but also make your eyes look alluringly huge and doll-y. Patients who wear prosthetic colored contacts for vision correction are already aware of the meticulous care & disinfection all type of contacts require. Unfortunately, even the… Continue reading Contracting Infections Frequently with Prescription Colored Contacts? This is what you need to Check