How Often Should You Get an Eye Exam? What Is The Procedure?

If you notice a difference in your vision, you should make an appointment with an eye doctor as soon as possible. But how often should you get an eye exam? Most ophthalmologists and optometrists suggest yearly or biannual comprehensive eye exams.  The human brain is a remarkable adapter, which explains why vision is such an interesting… Continue reading How Often Should You Get an Eye Exam? What Is The Procedure?

3 Signs Of Wrong Contacts Prescription Symptoms

Prescription glasses and contact lenses have similar functions but they are still different in their own way. The main function of contact lenses is to correct eye conditions. Examples include myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. This is fairly similar to eye glasses as well. It is common to require two types of prescription if… Continue reading 3 Signs Of Wrong Contacts Prescription Symptoms

Why do I need an Eye Exam for Cosplay Contacts?

Contact lenses of any type are considered medical devices in United States. Since they are regulated by FDA, you are required to have a comprehensive eye exam for contact lens fitting. Patients not needing vision correction fret over obtaining a prescription for cosplay contacts but what they forget is to note the difference between an… Continue reading Why do I need an Eye Exam for Cosplay Contacts?

Prescription Contact Lenses: Difference between an Eye Test and Eye Exam

Most of the patients confuse an eye exam with an eye test although there is a huge difference between the two. An eye test is just a sight test that describes a refraction to determine the lens power using automated machinery & combination of computerised tests. It is not done by a licensed & trained… Continue reading Prescription Contact Lenses: Difference between an Eye Test and Eye Exam