Surviving Smog: How to Wear Contact Lenses Safely in Polluted Conditions

Many people rely on prescription contact lenses for vision correction. These lenses, unlike glasses, are less affected by weather changes, making them an ideal choice for those wondering how to effectively wear contact lenses in smog. They offer better peripheral vision and remain clear, even in foggy conditions. However, during smoggy periods, even these most… Continue reading Surviving Smog: How to Wear Contact Lenses Safely in Polluted Conditions

3 Signs Of Wrong Contacts Prescription Symptoms

Prescription glasses and contact lenses have similar functions but they are still different in their own way. The main function of contact lenses is to correct eye conditions. Examples include myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. This is fairly similar to eye glasses as well. It is common to require two types of prescription if… Continue reading 3 Signs Of Wrong Contacts Prescription Symptoms

Can You Layer Contacts Over Each Other?

Can you layer contacts? Have you ever thought about layering your colored contact lenses over each other? In another word, piggyback your contact lenses on top of the other. The answer is NO. How Do Contacts Lenses Work? There are a few reasons that propel people to do so, which include they want to create… Continue reading Can You Layer Contacts Over Each Other?

How to Combat Hazy Vision caused by Prescription Contact Lenses?

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Prescription contact lenses must provide clear & crisp vision. People suffering from a medical condition generally known as “dry eyes” may find hazy vision in either of eyes. Though hazy vision is associated with couple of other factors; contact lenses causing blurred or cloudy vision is either a result of “dry eye syndrome” or a… Continue reading How to Combat Hazy Vision caused by Prescription Contact Lenses?

Can Contact Lenses help Reduce Halos & Glare?

Circle contacts have been the most reliable means of vision correction due to the ease of handling & convenience they offer. Contact lenses interact with light to help you see & this is why some people with complex vision disorders may experience an increased sensitivity of light or photo phobia. Contact lenses, typically designed to… Continue reading Can Contact Lenses help Reduce Halos & Glare?

Sleeping with Contacts: How to Remove Stuck Prescription Contact Lenses?

Contacts should be the first thing to remove when you decide to be on your bed after a hectic day. Since wearing lenses compromise oxygen permeability, having them in eyes whilst you sleep may stick them to your eyes. Upon realizing that you slept in with your prescription contact lenses at night; the first thing… Continue reading Sleeping with Contacts: How to Remove Stuck Prescription Contact Lenses?

New Technology: More Tolerable Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are considered by far the handiest prosthetic device for refractive index correction. It improves visual acuity, improves peripheral vision & improves your lifestyle. Unfortunately, 15% of the people drop out wearing contact lenses either due to intolerance or lack of proper knowledge & awareness. Doctors are now trying new treatments to help prevent… Continue reading New Technology: More Tolerable Contact Lenses